Save a chain of custody as a draft
Modified on: Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 at 1:34 PM
- You can create a draft only, save it, and come back to the draft later to submit it.
- Click the Chain of Custody tab under services.

- In the upper right-hand corner, click the create button

- Fill in the required fields that include:
- Sampled by?
- Are these samples part of a case investigation?
- Are these samples from the state of New York or Connecticut?
- Are these samples reportable to PADEP?
- Is the primary biocide used in the potable water chlorine?
- Is the primary biocide used in the non-potable water chlorine?
- Click the Save Draft button in the lower right-hand corner.

- Once the chain of custody draft is saved, you will be brought to Review Chain of Custody where existing information can be edited and section 7. Add Samples will be available to add sample information.
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