- Click the Chain of Custody tab under the services navigation
- Select a previously created chain of custody that you would like to create a template from. Click the name of a specific chain of custody to open it.
- Click the Create Template button
- Create a Template Name.
- Select a Template Type. The Company template type is accessible to everyone in your company. The Personal template type is only accessible to your account.
- Select or deselect the checkbox Do not store General Information.
- Click the dropdown lists for Exclude Chain of Custody Fields. Each field can be selected to exclude it from being filled in for this template. Deselect a field to include it in the template.
- Select or deselect the checkbox Do not store Sample information.
- Click the dropdown lists for Exclude Sample Fields. Each field can be selected to exclude it from being filled in for this template. Deselect a field to include it in the template.
- Click the Create Template button once the template has been filled in with the desired information.
- Click Yes to create the template or click No to cancel creating the template.
- To view your newly created template, click the View Templates button in the Chain of Custody section.
- Three action buttons for your template include Create Chain of Custody, Edit Template, and Delete Template.