Testing and Reporting

What method is used for Legionella culture?
The SPL culture method follows ISO 11731:2017(E) Water quality – Enumeration of Legionella.
Mon, 16 Mar, 2020 at 3:40 PM
What is our typical limit of detection for Legionella?
The limit of detection (LOD)  Potable water     0.5-5 CFU/mL     0.05 CFU/mL if concentrating a full liter of potable water     0.5-5 CFU/mL for Hot Wa...
Mon, 15 Feb, 2021 at 2:09 PM
With regard to your APB-BART kits, can you list the major APB genera that you can assure the kit will detect (i.e. reference strains)?
The APB BART test detects aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that produce organic fatty acids which lower the pH of the environment. The manufacturer quality co...
Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 at 3:18 PM
Why do I not always receive a preliminary report?
A preliminary report is sent when a portion of the samples are completed, but there is still a sample(s) pending. This can happen when a sample is originall...
Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 at 3:20 PM
What do pending results mean?
A pending result means the sample is not yet complete and is still in process. Pending Legionella results are often the result of a sample being overgrown a...
Thu, 19 Dec, 2019 at 11:24 AM
What does it mean when a sample is “uninterpretable”?
A water or swab sample is uninterpretable if all isolation attempts (including heat and acid treatment) fail and the sample is still overgrown with backgrou...
Thu, 19 Dec, 2019 at 11:26 AM
Is there any way to get culture results (Legionella) faster than the normal turnaround of 7-10 days
Legionella is a slow growing organism. For information sooner, you can add QuickCheck ($75/submission). This service provides you with a preliminary report ...
Tue, 27 Oct, 2020 at 1:01 PM
When will I get my report?
Organism/ Test  Turn around time  Legionella Culture  7–10 days Pseudomonas aeruginosa  Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Acinetobacter spp 2–7 days Bu...
Tue, 26 Jan, 2021 at 10:14 AM