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Legionella FAQs
Sampling and Shipping
Why do Legionella samples need to be shipped overnight? Why is the hold time up to 2 days?
What should a client do if they can’t get to a FedEx or shipping location the same day as collection?
What is the shelf life of the sampling bottle and can clients use their own bottles to sample?
What are the holding times for the tests SPL offers?
When should swabs be used?
View all 12
Testing and Reporting
What method is used for Legionella culture?
What is our typical limit of detection for Legionella?
With regard to your APB-BART kits, can you list the major APB genera that you can assure the kit will detect (i.e. reference strains)?
Why do I not always receive a preliminary report?
What do pending results mean?
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